In 2015, residents of LaGrange decided to form an organization dedicated to Mardi Gras parades. “Krewe of Mask” was formed, mostly to have a company to insure the parade.
The parade existed in idea form until 2016 when people actually started contributing money to ride. Now, we had to parade!
We were insistent on the parade being family friendly and authentic - in other words, we’d throw beads, moon-pies and other fun trinkets. Fortunately, we were met by people who understood what we are trying to accomplish. We want to make this celebration a part of Troup County. If it’s done right, and LaGrange can do it right, we’ve got an enjoyable event for years to come.
The first parade rolled to great acclaim in February 2017. The theme was “Mardi Gras Around the World”. The overwhelming opinion was that it was fun, went well and was a great thing for all ages. It appears that we overcame some concerns about the holiday.
On February 3, 2018 we marched with the theme "Mythical Creatures". This was the first year we were televised. Eight floats rolled in total, four of which were Krewe floats. Many Jeeps and antique cars added to the enjoyment of the parade!
In 2019, the theme was "The Krewe of Mask Goes to the Movies". Floats and different units depicted different movie titles.
In 2020, it was "The Krewe of Mask's Time Machine". The parade depicted events from history and into the future.
In 2021, being responsible, we did not parade to avoid a replication of the 1918 Liberty Bonds Parade disaster during the days of the Spanish Flu.
In 2022, the theme was "2022, Catch 22 - The Craziness Continues". Yes, the last two years were so turbulent, so crazy that there was plenty of insanity in the news. Units were to depict non-political events those last two years which might include billionaires space yachts or running low on toilet paper.
In 2023, the theme was the "Krewe of Mask Loves The Wonders of the World". This theme celebrates all Wonders of the World both ancient and modern. This included depictions of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, and the Parthenon. Love and Valentine's Day were also part of the theme since the holiday was so close.
In 2024, the theme is "The Krewe of Mask Goes on Vacation". Units will depict holiday destinations and travel for fun.
The Krewe* of Mask is primarily about the fun, but we have a philanthropic side. We contribute to the local United Way, who in turn contributes to many local worthy causes.
John Cashen is the Mayor of Mask and a Co-Captain. He may be reached at 706-668-3555. Ken Gordon is the Poohbah of Mask and is a Co-Captain. He may be reached at [email protected]. Peter Anderson is a prior King of Mask and a Co-Captain.
We invite you to contact us. It’s fun.
* The spelling of “krewe” is actually not an illiterate error as it would first appear. It’s actually an affectation of speech made by very educated people. It seems to date back to the 1850’s when an attempt was being made to form “The Mystik** Krewe of Comus”. They wanted it to sound like the organization dated back into the middle ages. That spelling has been retained by most Mardi Gras organizations ever since. ** Mystik is also an affectation, but has an additional meaning - it’s a secret organization. We’re not Mystik, but we will be masking for the parade. And now you know. :)